
Build your application quickly with Quickly: Inside Quickly part 5

That will be the last part for user on the Quickly Core itself. Before jumping on the ubuntu-project description road, we will see miscellaneous stuff that I couldn't classified later. Miscellaneous Well, Quickly options are quite sparse for the moment (as we don't need more as of today), so, here are what can be useful for you: Help $ quickly --help Of course, as the man page, this will give you the most important information you will certainly need :)

Build your application quickly with Quickly: Inside Quickly part 4

Yeah! It's already the 4th zoom of your Quickly trip and it's about shell completion. Complete everything quickly Quickly has an advanced shell completion tool. Currently, it's only binded to bash but plans are up to catch other shells (it's very easy, just call quickly shell-completion $0 from a script and perform little black magic to know the context). You can reread part 2 if you want to understand every cases described below.

Build your application quickly with Quickly: Inside Quickly part 3

Here we go for another topic on Quickly tour! This chapter will be really fast to read compared to last one. Getting some help with Quickly Quickly has an builtin help command that can help you to retreive help from whenever command. Inside a project You can search directly help for builtin command and the ones from the associated template of your project. template commands In a ubuntu-project "templated" project, simply do:

Build your application quickly with Quickly: Inside Quickly part 2

This session is giving some fundamentals on Quickly, let's dive into them! Two components: core and template There is mainly two parts in Quickly: Quickly Core is a command line parser and context checker. It has builtin commands and can handle and launch template commands. Quickly templates are group of commands and files that are used on a certain purpose: you can create templates to manage your documents, a LaTeX skeleton, or to easily create projects gathering a certain number of technologies.

Build your application quickly with Quickly: Inside Quickly part 1

Here is a suit of little blog posts regarding the Quickly application. Even if an awesome presentation by Rick Spencer has been done during last Ubuntu Developers Week, we will get there a little deeper on Quickly’s technical side and possibilities. We won’t enforce the tutorial side as well as there is already a rocking one in Quickly itself. First, what is Quickly? Taken from Launchpad: Quickly helps you create software programs (and other things) quickly.