Quickly reboot: developer feedback wrap up and templates content

Previous sessions

The first two hangouts on Quickly reboot about developer feedback were really a blast! I’m really pleased about how much good ideas and questions emerged from those.

If you missed them, the hangouts on air are available now on youtube. Go and watch them if you are interested:

I’ve also taken some notes during the sessions, here are what I think was important and came from them: hangouts notes. It’s a wiki, if you do have any feedback/questions/other subjects you want to get discussed, don’t be shy and edit it! Quickly is a fully community-driven project and we love getting constructive feedbacks/new ideas from everyone. ;)

I’ve also added on it some nice spot of discussions for future sessions, and speaking of sessions…

Next step: default templates

Next session is a really important one: what should be the default templates in Quickly? From the previous discussions, seems that python + gtk, a html5 one and the already existing unity-lens ones are the good candidates. If so, what should be in every of each of those? How should look the default applications? Which framework (if any) in the case of html5 should we use? Should we make opinionated choices or just providing a default set? What should we provide as tools for them, and so on…

Join the conversation, I’m sure it will be a lot of fun! We plan to have the hangout at 4PM UTC on Wednesday. Ensure to follow it either by jumping in the hangout itself or by following the onair session. Mark it to down to you calendar not miss it!

Do not hesitate to follow the Quickly google+ page to not miss any future events and enhancements to Quickly.

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